أشبال الإسلام

عفوا عزيزي الزائر أنت غير مسجل معنا فإذا كنت ترغب في الاشتراك معنا لنشر الوعي الإسلامي فلا تتردد
ف مشاركتنا على هذا الموقع الرائع

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

أشبال الإسلام

عفوا عزيزي الزائر أنت غير مسجل معنا فإذا كنت ترغب في الاشتراك معنا لنشر الوعي الإسلامي فلا تتردد
ف مشاركتنا على هذا الموقع الرائع

أشبال الإسلام

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
أشبال الإسلام

حيث للإبداع كلمة

نعود إليكم أحبتي في منتدانا هذا لفريق أشبال الإسلام التطوعي .. نتمنى لكم أن تقضوا معنا أوقاتا سعيدا ومفيدة

    Types of personalities and ways to deal with it

    أستغقر الله واتوب إليه

    عدد المساهمات : 49
    تاريخ الميلاد : 21/08/1994
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/08/2010
    العمر : 29

    Types of personalities and ways to deal with it Empty Types of personalities and ways to deal with it

    مُساهمة من طرف أستغقر الله واتوب إليه الخميس 29 ديسمبر 2011, 11:40 am

    Patterns of human beings who are different and their
    personalities are different and therefore the way we deal with them

    Human friendly with a simple personal

    - Quiet and jovial temper and is characterized by relaxation

    - A good heart and
    welcomes visitors with gestures and accepted by others

    - He has a sense of

    - Trust the people
    and also trusted himself

    - Like to hear praise
    from others

    - Good treatment and
    Muasher and many fun

    - Tries to avoid
    talking about work

    - Sees himself as
    well, and others are also fine

    How do we deal with him?

    - Met with respect and kept a good listener

    - Maintaining a
    discussion of the subject at hand and not going out with him

    - Try to work on
    Speaking to the desired goal

    - Act seriously when

    AC person

    - Lacks self-confidence

    - Showing signs of
    shyness and anxiety

    - Characterized by
    his often hesitant

    - Difficulty in
    decision making

    - Lost amid the many

    - Tend to rely on
    rules and regulations

    - Many promises and
    does not care about time

    - Ask for more
    information and assurances

    - Sees himself as it
    is not okay, and others well

    How do we deal with him?

    - Trying to instill
    confidence in himself

    - Reduce the degree
    of anxiety and shame sponsors parenting style

    - Helped him to make
    decisions, and showed him the misdeeds of the delay in the

    - I work to provide
    good information system to provide

    - Give more

    - I understand that
    the frequency detriment of its owner and his relationship with others

    - I understand that
    respects the rights Bthbath and his ability to make decisions

    Stubborn person

    - And ignores your point of view and does not want to listen

    - Reject the hard
    facts to show the degree of stubbornness

    - Hard, harsh in his

    - Has no respect for
    others and tries to Nile

    How do we deal with him?

    - Others involved
    with you in order to unite the view before the point of view

    - Ask him to accept
    the view of others for a short time in order to reach agreement

    - Tell him you'll be
    happy to study and view later

    - Use the style: Yes
    ...... But

    Coarse person

    - Harsh in his dealings so that it hardens himself sometimes

    - Do not try to
    understand the feelings of others because he does not trust them

    - A lot of other
    county in a manner showing intransigence in his opinion

    - Trying to leave to
    others the impression of its importance

    - Conceited in
    himself so that others do not accept

    - Has the ability to
    debate with the design point of view

    - Sees himself as
    he's fine, but others are not okay

    How do we deal with him?

    - I work on controlling
    your temper and maintain calm

    - Try to listen to it
    very well

    - Make sure you are
    fully prepared to deal with it

    - Do not try to raise
    it in the best manner Jadelh

    - Try to use his
    knowledge and his ideas

    - Be firm when you
    make your point of view

    - I understand that
    man is esteemed as much as on its respect for others

    - Chanted verses on
    the ears and the appropriate conversations

    - Use his style: Yes
    ...... But

    Talkative person

    - Many words and talking about everything and in everything

    - Believed to be

    - Can be seen in his
    desire to transcend but weaker than expected

    - Talking about
    everything except the item under discussion

    - Located in the many

    - A broad imagination
    to prove his point

    How do we deal with him?

    - Interrupted in the
    middle of his speech and when he tries to regain his breath,

    Say to him: Lord ...
    Are we not far from the topic agreed upon?

    - Has demonstrated
    the importance of time and that you are eager for it

    - Let him think that
    you are unhappy with some of his speeches and by looking at your watch ... And
    Baltnvij and ... etc.

    The person who is characterized by slow reactions and chill

    - Features a frosty and difficult to get along with him

    - Is characterized by
    a high degree of listening and understand the information

    - Does not wish to
    object to the ideas presented

    - Evade answering the
    questions addressed to him

    - Tends not to others
    it is an emotional

    How do we deal with him?

    - Was dealt with
    during his style of Asgaúk good

    - The face of the
    open questions that need answers to a lengthy

    - Use with silent
    force him to answer

    - To not slow in
    dealing with him and do not rush in your steps

    - Showed him respect
    and friendliness

    Personal opposition always

    - Does not care about others so much that he leaves a bad
    impact they have

    - Lack of confidence,
    so you find a negative in presenting his views

    - Traditional and new
    ideas do not seduce him and urged him to this difficult

    - No place for
    imagination has it personal, non-renewed

    - Stubborn, hard,
    puts a lot of objections

    - The history of the
    past often

    - Adhere to
    regulations and regulations is not the spirit of the letter

    - Do not be tempted
    to risk the fear of failure

    How to deal with him:

    - Identify the point
    of view through our positive with

    - Strengthen your
    point of view the evidence in response to objections

    - Assured him that
    you have many of the evidence that supports your ideas

    - Do not give him the
    opportunity of the province

    - Introduced new
    ideas gradually

    - Not always to the
    patient in your dealings with him

    - Use the style: Yes
    ...... But

    Prosecutor person knowledge

    - Do not believe the words of others and always show his

    - Bumptious, and
    likes to control verbal and tends to ridicule

    - Stubborn,
    dismissive, and adheres to his opinion

    - Proud of and speaks
    for itself all the time

    - Skeptical and
    suspicious of others Bdaof

    - Trying to teach you
    about your business until you

    How do we deal with him?

    The coherence of your
    temper and stay calm full

    - Accept the
    comments, but you have to persevere in the presentation of your point of view

    - GA at some point to
    flattery and praise

    - Choose the right
    time to boycott the specific topics

    - Let him always

    - Do not think about
    revenge, it never

    - Use the style: Yes
    ...... But

    Transcendent person

    - Believed to place the center of the group does not
    represent the status they deserve, and that this represents a level much lower
    than they deserve

    - Trying to hunt the
    negatives of others and tries to get them to critical situations

    - Treat others
    condescendingly to his belief that he is above all

    How do we deal with him?

    - Do not try to use
    open-ended question with him, he was waiting for it to try to prove that he has
    a specialized information about the subject matter much more than you have,
    because it feels when you ask the question open to him that it is the old
    problems and that your opinion does not represent any value for him.

    - Use his style: Yes
    ...... But, for example: You are really on the right, but if I thought with me

    The person demanding

    - Awkward, but it is not the complainants or Algillanin

    - Difficult to deal
    with it frequently demands

    - Ihrjk Belhaha
    because the lead has a service when traveling, for example

    How do we deal with him?

    Treated dodging and
    procrastination: Tell him that you would consider his request and would impact
    on later, and then you really have to think what will tell it, tell him: I have
    a lot of dates, please do not hesitate to contact me again

    Individual researcher for errors

    Famous sayings: attack is the best means of defense

    - Clutching errors on
    a high degree

    - He has always been
    a series of questions to face the other

    - You see moving from
    one place to another in search of errors

    - Has no respect for
    the feelings of others

    How do we deal with him?

    - Do not lose control
    of your temper with him

    - Do not open his
    door to say, all full of what he has

    - Listen to a high

    - I understand that
    everyone must adhere to the limits of the

    - Do not give him the
    chance to control words

    I hope the cast immediately of interest and will help you in
    dealing with others

    Greetings to all

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء 03 يوليو 2024, 10:33 pm